When you find yourself charged with a criminal offense, you will likely be filled with anxiety and uncertainty, not knowing what is going to happen to you. The thought of being convicted of a crime is an unsettling matter for anyone, including those who have gone through the criminal system before. One of the first decisions you would make is whether to hire an experienced criminal defense attorney.
Do I need a criminal defense lawyer?
This is the first question that comes to many people’s minds if they have been arrested and charged with a crime. They might be tempted to try to handle cases that seem minor on their own, but they still risk facing harsh penalties. It is always best to consult with a criminal defense law firm.
Once you have decided you need a lawyer, then the next thing to do is to consult with one. When you do so, you should feel open to ask all the questions you have about the lawyer and your case. The following are only a few important questions you should ask during the consultation.
What is Your Criminal Law Experience?
Many lawyers dab into different areas of law in what is known as a general practice. A lawyer with a general practice might try to handle any case, even if they have little experience doing so. When it comes to certain areas of law, such as criminal law, you want to hire a lawyer who has extensive experience handling criminal cases in your area. The stakes are high, so you do not want to risk hiring a lawyer who only handles criminal matters now and then.
Have You Handled Cases Like Mine?
Even if a lawyer has criminal law experience, they might not regularly handle your specific charge. Some law firms focus on DUI and traffic cases, so defending against a violent crime might be unusual for them. Ask about cases similar to yours and how those cases were resolved. Does the attorney push clients to plead guilty, or are they prepared to go to trial if needed? These are all important things to ask.
What are the Fees?
As with everything involving money, you want to make sure you are getting your money’s worth and what you are getting is not priced too high to put you in a financial hole. You do not want to skimp on a cheap and inexperienced attorney, but the lawyer should not overcharge you. You want to ask the lawyer how much the representation will cost you and make sure it is in line with similar criminal defense representation in your area. You may also want to ask the lawyer if they have a payment plan and when they collect fees.
Consult with a Riverside, CA Criminal Defense Lawyer Today
If you have been charged with a crime, contact the office of DeLimon Law for a free consultation if you are in Riverside or nearby. We will address any questions you might have regarding our representation and your case.